
Clinton Has 69-Point Lead Over Trump in Latest Latino Vote Tracking Poll


Hillary Clinton now holds a 69-point lead over Donald Trump with Latino voters, according to the latest New Latino Voice (NLV) online tracking poll from Florida International University and Hispanic mobile advertising company Adsmovil. The poll’s July 5-17 results, which sampled 8,242 online Latinos, show Clinton with 81% of Latino support and Trump with only 12%.


The NLV poll’s newest numbers are consistent with other national polls of Latino voters, including NBC/Telemundo/WSJ (Clinton 76% Trump 14%) and Univision(Clinton 67% Trump 19%). The latest Pew poll has Clinton at 66% and Trump at 24%.

Ever since the NLV tracking poll launched in April, Clinton has seen her Latino support continue to increase steadily. One reason for the Clinton’s increase was the decrease in Latino support for an “Other” candidate, very likely Bernie Sanders. Once the “Other” candidate saw a significant drop in early June (around the time it was clear that Sanders would not get the Democratic nomination), Clinton has gone from 74% to 81%, while Trump has gone from 17% to 12%. (For previous stories about the NLV series, click here and here.)



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