
Check out Mobile Media Xchange’s interview with our CEO: Alberto Pardo


Alberto Pardo on the Mobile Opportunity for Brands to Interact with Hispanic Consumers


Captura de pantalla 2014-10-07 a la(s) 17.37.01


Alberto was able to speak to Mobile Media Xchange about the importance of brands interacting with Hispanic consumers.


MMX: How important is it for brands and content owners to interact with the Hispanic audience?


Pardo: There is a huge population of Hispanic people currently reside in the U.S., about 1 of 6 residents in the U.S. are Hispanics. This number is set to grow exponentially in the next years to reach around 70 million by the year 2020. Latinos have the greatest purchasing power of any U.S. ethnic. Finally, Hispanics consumers have adopted mobile technologies at a greater extent than non-Hispanic consumers. For any brand Hispanics represent a growth opportunity.


MMX: How does Adsmovil help with that interaction?


Pardo: Adsmovil is 100% dedicated to reaching the Latino audience on mobile devises. We understand that not all latinos are the same and the importance of engagement with each sub segment differently. We focus our efforts on understanding each subsegment and the differences in each. We work with brands to help them identify their optimal mobile audience and put together strategies based on experiences and best practices. Adsmovil is has partnered with the most premium applications and mobile sites for reaching the U.S. Hispanic audience providing brands reach without compromising quality. We utilize sophisticated targeting capabilities to reach latinos in real time, through social outlets and high quality, highly relevant content.


MMX: What do you think is the biggest challenge in mobile advertising? The biggest opportunity?


Pardo: Mobile offers a great opportunity for brands to communicate with Hispanics providing them reach and efficiencies. Mobile is not an option but the norm when communicating with the Hispanic audience. High smartphone penetration and low in-home WiFi infiltration have made mobile the first screen for this audience.  Latinos are watching more video, accessing sites and engaging with brands all through their mobile devices. On the flip side, there are many challenges that we see as mobile experts when speaking with our clients. Although mobile is ever present in people’s lives, it remains an afterthought in the spending decisions of CMOs. It also tends to be the first dollar cut from budgets when adjustments are made to plans. But the most shocking to us is the overall lack of understanding of mobile capabilities. Often times we see ad buyers and agencies trying to repurpose digital strategies for a mobile audience. There is little though put into the amazing capabilities that mobile offers, for instance location based targeting and data, user behavior patterns and segmentation.


MMX: If you could change one thing in the industry, what would it be?


Pardo: If I could change one thing it would have to be dollar allocation. In a perfect world, agencies would dedicate an equivalent amount of their time on the mobile strategy of their clients as their audience spends their time on their mobile devices. In the Hispanic market we see audiences spending more time on their devices than an other screen except Television. If only this was reflected in time spent by brands reaching this audience.


MMX: And lastly, what did gain from Mobile Media Summit in New York during Advertising Week?


Pardo: I am really looking forward to networking with our mobile colleagues and others who are just as passionate about Mobile and also the opportunity to share our vision to reach latinos using mobile technologies.





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